What I Learned at DTX and UCX 2022

So the big Digital Transformation (DTX) and Unified Communications Expo (UXC) 2022 closed their doors last week at the ExCel in London’s Docklands.

There are quite a few findings from this event and I think this year more than other years was quite significant.

The Event

Firstly, it seems that the big trade shows are back in full force. 

Talking to the exhibitors and attending the talks and events, there was definitely a buzz in the air. 

DTX and UCX London Excel 2022

This was true from a perception viewpoint also, as the the footfall felt  healthy – especially if the ques at the food stalls were anything to go by. 

There were plenty of great attractions and freebies – my favourite being the Back to the Future, DeLorean car as well as the 8×8 water bottle giveaway.

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is high on the agenda of all the visitors that attended. Though that may sound like a ridiculous statement given that it was an Expo covering the topic of Digital Transformation, the reality is that the technology stacks and platforms that will deliver this are shooting up on people’s radars.

As Digital Transformation looks to give companies a differentiating advantage in these competitive times, organizations are looking at how the cost-against-return benefit will be played out.

Digital Transformation also delivers efficiencies both in monetary value and customer experience (CX). So the investment in this is real and can provide intrinsic value compared to years gone by.

Unified Communications

If the demand for Digital Transformation information and services is high then the same can be said for Unified Communications. 

Delorean DTX UCX

With Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) and Cloud Communications all within the Contact Centre being an efficient use of technology, there was a huge interest in how this not only accentuates companies but also empowers the teams using it. All resulting in better and more memorable customer experiences.


Digital Transformation and Unified Communication in harmony was the reason these two Expos were side by side under the same roof. These SaaS platforms have been key in reframing how the world interacts at the customer coal face as well as giving operators the power to add value. 


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